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夸克学习打开夸克扫码有夸克就有解查看试卷解析和解题视频2023年新课标卷英语高考真题真题(其中第1、2、3、4、5、6、7题包含解题视频,可扫描页眉二维码,点击对应试题进行查看)1.(7.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AYellowstone National Park offers a variety of ranger programs throughout the park,and throughout the year.The following are descriptions of the ranger programs this summer.Experiencing Wildlife in Yellowstone (May 26 to September 2)Whether you're hiking a backcountry trail ()camping,or just enjoying the park's amazing wildlife fromthe road,this quick workshop is for you and your family.Learn where to look for animals and how to safely enjoyyour wildlife watching experience.Meet at the Canyon Village Store.Junior Ranger Wildlife Olympics(June 5 to August 21)Kids can test their skills and compare their abilities to the animals of Yellowstone.Stay for as little or as longas your plans allow.Meet in front of the Visitor Education Center.Canyon Talks at Artist Point(June 9 to September 2)From a classic viewpoint,enjoy Lower Falls,the Yellowstone River,and the breathtaking colors of the canyon()while learning about the area's natural and human history.Discover why artists and photographers continueto be drawn to this special place.Meet on the lower platform at Artist Point on the South Rim Drive for this shorttalk.Photography Workshops(June 19 &July 10)Enhance your photography skills-join Yellowstone's park photographer for a hands-on program to inspirenew and creative ways of enjoying the beauty and wonder of Yellowstone.6/19-Waterfalls &Wide Angles:meet at Artist Point.7/10-Wildflowers &White Balance:meet at Washburn Trailhead in Chittenden parking area1.Which of the four programs begins the earliest?A.Photography Workshops.B.Junior Ranger Wildlife Olympics.第1页/共25页夸克学习有夸克就有解C.Canyon Talks at Artist Point.D.Experiencing Wildlife in Yellowstone.2.What is the short talk at Artist Point about?A.Works of famous artists.B.Protection of wild animals.C.Basic photography skills.D.History of the canyon area.3.Where will the participants meet for the July 10 photography workshop?A.Artist Point.B.Washburn Trailhead.C.Canyon Village Store.D.Visitor Education Center.2.(10分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。BTurning soil,pulling weeds,and harvesting cabbage sound like tough work for middle and high school kids.And at first it is,says Abby Jaramillo,who with another teacher started Urban Sprouts,a school garden program atfour low-income schools.The program aims to help students develop science skills,environmental awareness,andhealthy lifestyles.Jaramillo's students live in neighborhoods where fresh food and green space are not easy to find and fast foodrestaurants outnumber grocery stores."The kids literally come to school with bags of snacks and large bottles ofsoft drinks,"she says."They come to us thinking vegetables are awful,dirt is awful,insects are awful."Thoughsome are initially scared of the insects and turned off by the dirt,most are eager to try something new.Urban Sprouts'classes,at two middle schools and two high schools,include hands-on experiments such assoil testing.flower-and-seed dissection,tastings of fresh or dried produce,and work in the garden.Several times ayear,students cook the vegetables they grow,and they occasionally make salads for their entire schools.Program evaluations show that kids eat more vegetables as a result of the classes."We have students who saythey went home and talked to their parents and now they're eating differently,"Jaramillo says.She adds that the program's benefits go beyond nutrition.Some students get so interested in gardening thatthey bring home seeds to start their own vegetable gardens.Besides,working in the garden seems to have a calmingeffect on Jaramillo's special education students,many of whom have emotional control issues."They get outside,"she says,“and they feel successful..”4.What do we know about Abby Jaramillo?第2页/共25页夸克学习有夸克就有解A.She used to be a health worker.B.She grew up in a low-income family.C.She owns a fast food restaurant.D.She is an initiator of Urban Sprouts.5.What was a problem facing Jaramillo at the start of the program?A.The kids'parents distrusted her.B.Students had little time for her classes.C.Some kids disliked garden work.D.There was no space for school gardens.6.Which of the following best describes the impact of the program?A.Far-reaching.B.Predictable.C.Short-lived.D.Unidentifiable.7.What can be a suitable title for the text?A.Rescuing School GardensB.Experiencing Country LifeC.Growing Vegetable LoversD.Changing Local Landscape3.(10分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Reading Art:Art for Book Lovers is a celebration of an everyday object-the book,represented here inalmost three hundred artworks from museums around the world.The image of the reader appears throughouthistory,in art made long before books as we now know them came into being.In artists'representations of booksand reading,we see moments of shared humanity that go beyond culture and time.In this"book of books,"artworks are selected and arranged in a way that emphasizes these connectionsbetween different eras and cultures.We see scenes of children learning to read at home or at school,with the bookas a focus for relations between the generations.Adults are portrayed alone in many settings and poses-absorbed in a volume,deep in thought or lost in a moment of leisure.These scenes may have been painted hundredsof years ago,but they record moments we can all relate to.Books themselves may be used symbolically in paintings to demonstrate the intellect ()wealth or faith ofthe subject.Before the wide use of the printing press,books were treasured objects and could be works of art intheir own right.More recently,as books have become inexpensive or even throwaway,artists have used them as theraw material for artworks-transforming covers,pages or even complete volumes into paintings and sculptures.Continued developments in communication technologies were once believed to make the printed page第3页/共25页
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